Our topic is, "Blogs established by PR practitioners on behalf of clients/organisations facilitate two-way symmetrical communication between organisations and their publics." While the topic for group 4 is, "Community events invariably benefit from securing corporate sponsorship."
Kinda scary at first, but it's not so bad, after all. Turned out that what I fear didn't happen: We didn't talk about two completely different things.
We've also started our plan for our final project -the OCD PR plan. I already have few ideas for the publication, but keep thinking that they're ludicrous -maybe they're not so relevant for real life. Will contemplate more on it.
Reading for week 10: Ch. 12 New Media and Public Relations by Kate Fitch I think this week's reading the topic closest to our heart (my classmates and me) as it talks about the thing dearest to us: the internet. I realized that this topic is closely related to my debate topic. If only I read it a week earlier -_-"
Talking about the internet is always controversial. Some people seems to be unable to accept the fact that we can send and receive information in real-time, yet. Talking about the use of internet of Public Relations is even more complex.
There are two seemingly different views on the relation of new media technology with public relation practice. However, in my opinion, these views seem to conclude the same thing: right now, internet has yet successful in carrying out two-way communication between organization/company with its audience.
The first view hinted that "the potential of the internet to promote two-way communication continues to remain unrealized", while the second suggested "while technology can potentially enchance two-way communication... this may mean that information flow is not controllled or even generated by organizations and gatekeepers".
Conclusion: Either because of the potential is yet being used to the maximum or there is an influx of information on the internet, a two-way communication through it isn't realized yet.
This is what makes the use of internet in public relations is still "controversial".
I don't think I'll discuss more on the reading as it mostly going around about the different form of new media. Plus about ethical issues, but we already talk about that in chapter 4.
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